Friday, August 29, 2008

Bold Move. Won't Work

All of the "WHO?" and "oh so now we don't care about 'inexperience?'" comments aside, one small thing McCain apparently missed when he chose Sarah Palin as his running mate is that many conservative women don't particularly like mothers who work outside of the home, especially mothers of infants. Much less the mother of a special needs' infant. Don't take my word on it, find a "working mom vs stay at home mom" discussion anywhere on the internet. And then stand back. Those women are scary. He'll gain some votes sure, rabid pro-lifers or Hillary supporters who were voting straight gender, but I bet there will be just as many women who stay home entirely rather than support a women they perceive as not caring for her own child.


troutbirder said...

Umm. Well. I was going thru profiles on flower gardening ( a hobby of mine) and ended up here. For 7 years I've avoided political discussion ( to nauseating given what's been going on in Washington). This is terrific. I agree totally and also like your sense of "can you believe it" humor. Thanks for sharing.

molly lamountain said...

Thanks! I was apparently wrong though, now the same people who would be in a frothing rage if Palin were a Dem suddenly support women working, teens having babies, etc etc etc. I could go on and on. I probably will.

mud_rake said...

The people who have 'fallen' for her, deserve all the odd agenda that she brings with her. They are the same knuckleheads who 'bought' the Bush/Cheney lines in 200 and 2004.

What's the Matter With Kansas? [Ohio]

molly lamountain said...

yeah unfortunately we're the ones who will pay the price for their stupidity too. I refuse to believe that will happen.