Sunday, September 28, 2008

Marblehead Lighthouse

As mentioned in my rescue blog, twice this past week I've ended up at Marblehead Lighthouse, as well as the rest of the town of Marblehead. I've been there 3 or 4 times over the years and have yet to make it during a time when we could climb the lighthouse and look out over the lake. Without that aspect of the experience, there's not much to it. According to the website, it's the most photographed landmark on Lake Erie, and since I'm always happy to be a cliche, I dutifully lined the kids up and took a couple of pictures. They were especially impressed you can see Cedar Point across the bay, so we fed quarters into the big binocular-things (hey I tried to find a proper name on google with no luck) in the hopes of focusing in on someone screaming on a roller coaster. Judging from how many people were coming and going while I was there, it's a popular park. I suppose the romantic notion of lighthouses is a bigger draw than hiking 5 miles down a rocky beach hoping to see an eagle. It's definitely worth seeing though. The lake there is especially pretty as well.

I've probably mentioned it before and most assuredly will mention it again but I love Lake Erie. Just everything about it! The parks, the birds, the wildlife, the beaches. I'm not sure why I live so far "inland" but it's a situation I plan to remedy eventually. I have every intention of spending my golden (just around the corner) years in a ratty camper in some dive campground along the lake; just me, my coffee cup, a library card, and a couple of mean chihuahuas.

1 comment:

microdot said...

Molly, I have never visited your blog before and I appreciate the comments you have made on mine.
It's very interesting to me to connect with people in Northwest Ohio. You write about so many places and experiences we have in common.
I spent many many days at Metzgers Marsh and Marblehead.
When I was young, the Marblehead Quarries were the best "nude beaches" in the midwest. There was a constant battle of outwitting the deputioes that came by once in a while to clear the kids out.
The Marblehead quarries were also one of the best sources of fossils.
I have a Conocardiuum fossil that I took to the Museum of Natural History on their stump the experts day, that really did stump the experts. I have 4 which I found at Marblehead.
I am also involved here in the Dordogne with Animal rescue...I have a very loving rescue dog named J. Edgar and we work with an organiation called Phoenix that rescues thousands of animals each year. My neighbors are horse enthusiasts and they rescue horses for's turned into a mania as they now rent land for a herd of 23 horses....they have a constant turnover of horses which are rehabilitated and find new homes.
Well, it was very nice coming here, I shall be back in the future.
I am disappearing for 2 weeks to work with the very late grape harvest. I do this every year...
See ya!