Saturday, November 1, 2008

average day of Republican campaign propoganda

After weeks of walking this garbage straight from the mailbox to the trash, it occured to me to save a few of these to share. Until I did, I hadn't even noticed that it's been coming in my name now. Before it was in my daughter's name, who is still registered Independent. I voted Democrat in the primaries, are they really desperate enough to be targeting everyone now?
I swear all 3 of these came in one day. This week they're using economic fear. Last week I remember a couple of them about Ayers. Gotta love the out of context and outdated quotes, too. You'd think at some point they're notice this negative BS isn't working, beyond the voters who bought it all along anyhow. I just hope they're wasting a lot of money trying to convince people like me, whose minds have been made up from the start.

First brochure:
McCain Campain Propoganda

McCain Campaign Propoganda 2

Second Brochure:
McCain Campaign Propoganda 3

McCain Campaign Propoganda 4

Third Brochure:

McCain Campaign Propoganda 5

McCain Campaign Propoganda 6

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