Friday, March 6, 2009


The same day I signed on to news of Michael's death, I got this caring bridge post in email. Sara is a relative of a friend of mine. I've been following her fight for a while now. For many months now, it seemed miracles do occur. Her notes were happy. She seemed to be doing well. Please take a minute to read her story, leave a note for her, and add her to whatever version of prayers you can come up with. Thanks.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2009 01:33 PM, CST
Hello and welcome to my official website this is Sara and i have good news and bad news is my backround will soonly be changed to spring and I an feeling fine the bad news is that my braintumor came back and I am very scared well umm...Because my mom knows that my tumor is back she promised to take me somewhere fun to take my mind off of it and theres nothing much else to say so byby.

Sara Lance

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