Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Surely by now every third person has a blog of some sort. That means it's a technical impossibility that all of these blogs are being read by anyone on a regular basis. And still, we all sit here and type, type, type.
For years I kept journals. I still remember the first time someone gave me a "blank book." Wow, a bound stack of white paper! And it's all mine! Back then, we kept our journals tucked away in a nightstand and worried our moms might get ahold of them if we died. No more of that! The internet has made us all exhibitionists and voyeurs.
I can rationalize the dog blog because perhaps rescue will be of some interest, most likely to other rescuers. This one is the modern version of talking to myself. Not only do I always have a running monologue going on in my head, generally I find myself to be fairly amusing. If you don't, just keep those thoughts to yourself and move along!

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