Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe the Plumber

All I can think throughout this whole surreal Joe the Plumber routine is that Andy Warhol was an absolute genius. And Joe's 15 minutes should be about up.
Here's what was on my igoogle screen just now. I literally laughed out loud.

Tax Advice for ‘Joe the Plumber’
New York Times - all 2865 related »

You'd almost feel sorry for the guy, having his dirty laundry hung out like this, over nothing more than being home when a certain presidential candidate turned off for a walk down his block. Still he's been playing it. He's answered every call and showed up for every interview. No one in this day and age should be surprised at how little privacy any of us have.

I was skeptical about the story to begin with. A 34 year old man living with his dad in a modest Holland neighborhood is going to buy the plumbing business where he works? I don't believe there was anything sinister about his statement. In his mind it was a hypothetical, a little white lie that wouldn't have left his street if it weren't for Obama's "share the wealth" reply. He's a typical "Joe Six Pack" spouting off the party lines, unable to actually see the "tax increase for big business" doesn't apply to him and never will.

McCain can't win for losing though. His poster child is a tax cheat, a liar, and isn't even a plumber at all.

1 comment:

mud_rake said...

As you commented on my blog, I'd like to reciprocate.

This Joe guy is a real hoot- living with his father at age 34, looking to 'buy' the $250k business on $40k wages.

He's a sand bagger and a loony right-winger posing as a libertarian. He doesn't give a damned about Obama's tax plan- he doesn't like any taxes. He'd like to live off of the taxes of others, just like he lives off of his dad's accomodations.

He's the typical 30-something, angry white man [leech] who blames everybody and the government for his own crappy existence.