Monday, October 6, 2008

this whole William Ayers thing

I've seen all of Palin's latest "campaign tactics" from any number of Chicken Little hate and fear mongers who have been screaming "terrorist connections!!" "hates America!!" to anyone who would listen for months. I'm sure they're beside themselves with joy that their cause has been given a "legitimate" voice.

Too bad for them that anyone who is taking a critical look at the facts can see what's going on here. Take Bill Ayers, for example. Perhaps there's been minimal association between him and Obama, from being from the same place more than anything else. Ayers made a campaign contribution too!!! Ooooooohh!! Beyond that, though, so what?! Ayers is a respected education professor. He has never been convicted of any crime. OK, so he's made some not-so-nice statements about a time when a whole lot of not-so-nice things were going on. Where's all the FREEDOM OF SPEECH rhetoric the conservatives throw out when you dare to question, say Ann Coulter's death to all liberal spiels? Yeah so he's unrepentant, and accordingly, Obama's a terrorist!? What?! It would be laughable if they weren't serious. When has any other candidate for any other office been made to be responsible for every single thing uttered by every single person they've associated with at all?

And McCain/Palin (and their rabid supporters) apparently can't figure out why this isn't working to win votes. Every single time they take some tiny bit of information and blow it completely out of proportion, while leaping up and down and pointing and spitting in hysteria, all they do is prove they have nothing legitimate against Obama. Obama needs to respond as minimally as possible and then let it go. He does his campaign no favors by getting down in the mud with these pigs, wearing lipstick or not.

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