Monday, October 20, 2008

Recruiting Republicans

Much to my chagrin, my 20 year old didn't vote in the primary. A little thing like an ice storm kept her from making the drive back here from where she goes to school (25 minutes away.) I kept telling her to change her address but she wants to vote here.

Anyhow, as a result she's undeclared/independent. (In Ohio you declare a party to vote in a primary. I've skipped doing so a few times, usually when I'm annoyed with the Dems. It does seem to increase the amount of election mail I got on both sides.) As a result of that, I've had the misfortune of seeing a whole lot of McCain propaganda show up in my mailbox. ALL of it has been attacks on Obama, nothing at all explaining the benefits of voting for a McCain/Palin ticket. I told her she was getting a lot of R mail. Her response was "well that isn't happening." Everything that's shown up here has been walked directly from the mailbox to the trash.

So, just now a car pulled into my driveway and 2 nice young men in their early 20s came to my door, holding clipboards. I actually assumed they were Jehovah's Witnesses. They haven't been around since they asked my (then) husband if he'd read the Bible and he asked them if they'd read a physics textbook. But no! They asked for Sarah. I explained she's in Bowling Green, and they said they were with the Lucas County Republican Party. I laughed and assured them she is NOT a Republican. I admire their willingness to get out and work for their party but one thing I am proud of is raising liberals. I indoctrinate them young and often. Haha

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